My goodness, you look beautiful today...


“About” Table of Contents

1. Welcome
An introductory message to my first-time readers and those with short-term memory loss.

2. Who am I?
Aren’t you curious? I sure am. This section sheds a little light on the subject of the man behind the writing.

3. Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions about the lifestyle and how I pulled it off.

4. Press
A list of media outlets who have featured The Office Hobo’s work and story, and links to the work.

5. Devine Diaries
What’s The Office Hobo been up to since, well, The Office Hobo days? Check out TOH’s newest, less-secretive ventures on the Devine Diaries website. And his regularly updated Instagram page

8 comments on “About
  1. Love your story. Enjoy your writing, very inspiring stuff. Love Henry David Troreau. Thanks for writing and doing what you love, sharing it with the world makes all the difference!

  2. It is so refreshing to read that you are following your dreams and being true to yourself. I smiled today because of your story.

  3. Read your April 30th article on Salon. Love your story. You’re pursuing your love of writing and, as the book Happy Money confirms, spending on a dwelling (and transportation for commuting) has near zero correlation with happiness. Pursuing experiences and our passions however…HUGE! Thank you for inspiring others to reconsider the norm.

    Have you read “The Big Tiny” by Dee Williams? You may appreciate her perspective as well.

    I look forward to returning here often.

  4. At 57, I’ve been living in my office secretly for almost two years, in a small Arctic city where I took a great job and where rents and even house-sharing arrangements are prohibitive. As I am here by myself (my wife stayed “home”), crashing in my office was the obvious choice because even with a good salary, i couldn’t stand the idea of spending thousands of dollars a month just to sleep. So far, I love my living arrangements, not only for the savings, but for the lifestyle and all the things you mention. This will come to an end in October 2016 when I plan to “retire” from my “normal” job, but with all the money I saved while living in my office, I plan to take the road again for a year or so and continue this lifestyle, but in a car in the most comfortable scenario, or better, in a tent. My wife is not really on board, but I convinced her this will be my last crazy adventure. That’s what she thinks…I will barely be 60, and I have other plans in the making.

  5. Love your story! Here’s how I came across it. I was thinking of all the wasted office space that could easily house people at night. Did a google search, and found your Salon article. Then your blog. So awesome! Your experiences would make a good movie. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!
    Andrea Drever
    Associate Creative Director